Mr . mehta , into how many administrative regions did augustus divide rome Mehta ,而吹常?霉皑瓣现跋
Mr mehta believes that by 2010 indian drugs firms could account for six to eight of the world ' s top 50 drug companies by market share 梅赫塔相信, 2010年前,全球制药公司市场占有率50强中,印度将会占据6到8席。
Mr clinton ' s account of eight years in the white house is candid and revealing , sonny mehta , president and editor - in - chief of alfred a knopf said 本文来自news . jewelove . net美国前总统比尔克林顿的出版商近日宣布,盼望已久的克林顿回忆录将于6月面市。
" he talks with candour about his successes , as well as his setbacks , looking at both his career in public service and his life , " mr mehta said in a statement 梅塔在一份声明中说, “他克林顿从职业生涯和个人生活两方面坦率地谈到了自己的成功和挫折。 ”
The other two are professor g mehta , who is a frs , and professor r w murray , who is a member of the national academy of sciences , usa and the editor of the acs journal 今年百周年讲座奖,另外两位得主分别为英国皇家学院院士( frs )的gmehta教授和美国科学院院士及美国化学会《分析化学》杂志编辑的rwmurray教授。