| 1. | Amy sewed with outward meekness and inward rebellion till dusk . 阿密阳奉阴违地一直缝到黄昏。 |
| 2. | It was his meekness which commended him to god 正是因为他的谦和,使他归向了神。 |
| 3. | Meekness is a virtue he appreciates in his wife 温顺是他所欣赏的妻子的优点之一。 |
| 4. | Meekness , self - control ; against such things there is no law 23温柔、节制;这样的事,没有律法反对。 |
| 5. | Meekness is love at school 温柔是爱在学习中的色彩。 |
| 6. | Gal . 5 : 23 meekness , self - control ; against such things there is no law 加五23温柔、节制;这样的事,没有律法反对。 |
| 7. | To speak evil of no man , to be no brawlers , but gentle , shewing all meekness unto all men 2不要毁谤,不要争竞,总要和平,向众人大显温柔。 |
| 8. | To slander no one , to be uncontentious , gentle , showing all meekness toward all men 2不要毁谤人,不要争竞,乃要谦让宜人,向众人显出十分的温柔。 |
| 9. | Perceive the meekness and gentleness of the camel ' s temper , he summon the courage to approach it 观察到这头骆驼脾气温顺驯服,他又鼓起了接近它的勇气。 |
| 10. | Tit . 3 : 2 to slander no one , to be uncontentious , gentle , showing all meekness toward all men 多三2不要毁谤人,不要争竞,乃要谦让宜人,向众人显出十分的温柔。 |