| 1. | Meda passenger medical clearance form ; part ii Meda旅客健康证明书ii |
| 2. | Meda passenger medical clearance form ; part i Meda旅客健康证明书i |
| 3. | Nicole , the boy used the meda - - 妮可,那个孩子用纹- - |
| 4. | Nicole , the boy used the meda - 妮可,那个孩子用纹- |
| 5. | Fill in a meda form 有关meda表格 |
| 6. | Moreover , with the adoption of meda method , the article brings forward some assumptions and suggestions on how to properly handle with the human element and control the arising possibilities of marine accident 在借鉴meda方法的基础上,提出了注重人的因素和控制海事发生几率的一些设想与建议。 |
| 7. | Would require medical approval from our medical team whereby a meda form is to be completed by both the passenger and her treating doctor , and submitted no later than 48 hours prior to departure ,孕妇及其主诊妇科医生须填妥有关meda表格,并须于航班离开前最少48小时递交申请,取得我们医疗部的批准后方可启程。 |
| 8. | Please fill in the following forms depending on your health conditions , so that our aviation medicine office could determine if special safety measures or medical services are required , and that you are able to complete the journey safely 健康证明书meda健康证明书meda请就您现时的健康状况,查阅以下资料并填写有关健康证明书,以便我们的飞行医务所决定您是否需要我们提供特别服务或采取特别措施。 |