Contains : red clover leaf and flowers , nettle and meadowsweet leaf , calendula , chamomile and lavender flowers , gotu kola leaves and , a pinch of stevia 红花苜蓿叶与花朵、荨麻叶、绣线菊叶、金盏花、洋甘菊、薰衣草、雷公根、甜菊叶。
Organic borage oil , organic rose hip seed oil , hazelnut , organic evening primrose , comfrey , chamomile , clary sage , eyebright , gotu kola , ginseng , lavender , meadowsweet , rose petals , blue flowers , bachelor organic german chamomile co2 , organic essential oil of neroli , essential oils of damask rose and carrot seed 琉璃苣油玫瑰果油榛子油月见草雏菊鼠尾草蓝甘菊人参薰衣草玫瑰花瓣橙花大马士革玫瑰油胡萝卜籽油等。
The causeway is lined on either side with a 16 - metre - wide belt of verdant lawns and hedges made up of xian juniper , jinshan meadowsweet , purple - leaf barberry and golden - leaf privet , showing with the rotation of the seasons the infinite changes and beauty of lively nature , and providing much pleasing and peaceful space for the roaming of the mind 甬道两侧分别是16米宽的绿化带。碧绿的草坪和由西安桧柏金山绣线菊紫叶小檗金叶女贞组成的绿篱,随着四季更替,变换自然生命的无穷美妙,为游人营造出赏心悦目的精神放牧空间。
The causeway is lined on either side with a 16 - metre - wide belt of verdant lawns and hedges made up of xian juniper , jinshan meadowsweet , purple - leaf barberry and golden - leaf privet , showing with the rotation of the seasons the infinite changes and beauty of lively nature , and providing much pleasing and peaceful space for the roaming of the mind 甬道两侧分别是16米宽的绿化带。碧绿的草坪和由西安桧柏、金山绣线菊、紫叶小檗、金叶女贞组成的绿篱,随著四季更替,变换自然生命的无穷美妙,为游人营造出赏心悦目的精神放牧空间。