Americans now masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day . 美国人现在每天要吃掉八千六百万磅的肉。
The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food 口内大乾,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。
He ate the fish raw , masticating with painstaking care , for the eating was an act of pure reason 他费劲而仔细地嚼着鱼,似乎是为了吃而吃,把鱼吃下。
He ate the fish raw , masticating with painstaking care , for the eating was an act of pure reason 他把鱼生吃了下去,小心翼翼地嚼着,因为吃纯粹是理性的选择。
On the one hand , it , by succeeding to the research methodology of the abstract regulation which has been refined out of all - round phenomena , by specifically analyzing and masticating the historical materials of management thoughts , has marked out the logic starting point of western management studies , and has extracted the three abstract regulations from the hundred - year - long history of management thoughts 一方面,继承了“从完整的表象蒸发出抽象的规定性”的研究方法。通过细致剖析、咀嚼管理思想史的材料,界定了西方管理学的逻辑起点,并从百余年管理思想史中“蒸发”出三个抽象的规定性。