Much of those goods were industrial equipment for manufacturing plants in mexico , including the u . s . - and other foreign - owned border factories known as maquiladoras 大部分出口产品是用于墨西哥制造业的工业设备,包括美国和其他外国独资的边界工厂,即所谓的墨西哥组装工厂。
A maquiladora ( or maquila ) is a factory that imports materials and equipment on a duty - free and tariff - free basis for assembly or manufacturing and then re - exports the assembled product usually back to the originating country 一个边境加工(或加工)是一家工厂,在材料和设备进口免税和关税无依据或制造和装配然后再出口产品的组装通常回来源国家