Instead of the pagan god lupercus , the church looked for a suitable patron saint2 of love to take his place 教会要寻找一位合适的爱情守护神来代替异教的畜牧神。
Instead of the pagan god lupercus , the church looked for a suitable patron saint of love to take his place 教会决定寻找一位更适合的爱的守护神来代替异教的卢帕克斯神。
As christianity spread and the leaders of the church resolved to do away with this practice by picking a " lover ' s " saint to replace the god lupercus 随著基督教的传布,教会的领导者决定挑选一个属于恋人的圣徒,来替换路波克斯神,以阻绝这项惯例。