| 1. | I'm glad to find another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city . 在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。 |
| 2. | If he had been loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves, under confiscation . 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。 |
| 3. | Marketing strategy in financial products : brand and brand loyalist 品牌化与品牌忠诚 |
| 4. | And loyalist . thats not certain , said prince andrey “这话不太可靠, ”安德烈公爵说。 |
| 5. | The variety of choosing to exist of ming loyalists seen from gui zhuan 从归庄看明遗民多样性的生存选择 |
| 6. | Two loyalists ' life stories and their works in shaoxing in early qing dynasty 清初绍兴二遗民的生平与创作 |
| 7. | A product differentiation model with brand - switchers and brand - loyalists 存在品牌转移者和品牌忠诚者的产品差异模型 |
| 8. | Seven opera titles found in the books by the ming - loyalists in the early qing dynasty 清初明遗民别集所见佚失曲目七种略证 |
| 9. | But some fatah loyalists could also have an interest in destabilising things 但一些法塔赫的忠实成员却对一些打破平衡的事情感兴趣。 |