adj. 1.多嘴的,多话的。 2.(鸟)啁啾不休的;(水)潺潺不息的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
Kennedy had become almost as loquacious as joe . 肯尼迪变得和乔一样唠叨了。
The hairless mexican ate with huge mouthfuls, enjoying himself vastly, his eyes shone and he was loquacious . 墨西哥秃子狼吞虎咽,吃得极香,他的眼睛闪闪发光,他的话滔滔不绝。
His loquacious good - humour infected every one 司炉们烧起火来象英雄一样不顾疲劳。
I just mean he ' s not particularly loquacious 我的意思是他不太唠叨
Age 60 , i said i love you , you smiled and gave me a fist , “ my old man ! the grandchild has grown up , you ' re still loquacious 六十岁时,我对你说“我爱你” ,你笑着给了我一拳“老头子,我们的孙子都已经长大了,你还这么油嘴滑舌。 ”
I always was tired of mother of loquacious , will school begins tomorrow , i know mother has many words to say to me , but i didn ' t give her the opportunity always 我总是厌倦了* *的唠叨,明天就要开学了,我知道妈妈有许多的话对我说,但我始终没给她机会
He was not effusive , loquacious , and bibulous like giovanni . he was silent and he rowed with a strength and ease as if he were alone on the water 他有一个雄狮似的好看的男子的脸孔,和两只相离很无的蓝色的眼睛,他不象佐万尼似的媚态洋溢饶舌和嗜酒如命。
Be not because the man become lazy , but because the man like part see a woman tidy up thing for him part loquacious oneself of untidy , the man feels this is a kind of happiness 不是因为男人变懒了,而是因为男人喜欢一边看女人替他收拾东西一边唠叨自己的邋遢,男人觉得这是一种幸福。
The courtyard style architecture which have simple and sophisticated pattern , the green grass and the loquacious fountain , all these things will provide you an inartificial photo , and will make you earn as much as you likes and have the feeling of satisfied , easily , happy 各式高档进口海鲜内地自产海鲜正宗粤式小炒品种多样,可满足中高档消费。 17个风格极具特色的包间,可容纳1 4席宴会,大堂呈设170个餐位,是亲朋小聚商务宴请的心仪场所。