Mr. loker brought down his fist with a thump that fully explained the hiatus . 洛克先生的拳头砰地一声落在桌子上,充分说明了他后半句的意思。
Tom loker was soon carefully deposited in a much cleaner and softer bed than he had ever been in the habit of occupying . 汤姆洛克随即被安置在一张又干净、又舒适的床上,他一辈子也没有睡过这样舒适的床。
Tom loker was soon carefully deposited in a much cleaner and softer bed than he had ever been in the habit of occupying 汤姆?洛克随即被安置在一张又干净、又舒适的床上,他一辈子也没有睡过这样舒适的床。