They were prepared to fight the fiercest panther or a pack of lobo 他们准备和最凶猛的黑豹或一群大灰狼拼斗。
Dr p jos lobo 5 罗理基博士大马路412号e
Dr p jos lobo 35 - 39 罗保博士街35 - 39号
Sir roger lobo , as the senior member of the legislative council supported the government motion on behalf of all councillors 立法局的首席议员罗保爵士代表众议员支持政府的举措。
Brian stood looking down at the beast . “ it ' s a mexican lobo , all right . ” he said , “ and a big one 布赖恩站在那里看了一会这个野兽。 “这确实是墨西哥大灰狼。 ”他补充互说, “而且是个大个。 ”
Supply still depends on the heat / cold scale however , even underwater , and an extreme weather will limit your expansion if you rely on a horde of lobo guards 就算在水下,补给依然决定于冷或者热的气候环境,当你一来一大群loboguard的时候,极端的气候将限制你的扩张。
In a study of over 10 , 000 work relationships at five very different organisations , tiziana casciaro and miguel sousa lobo , academics at harvard business school and the fuqua school of business respectively , found that ( given the choice ) people consistently and overwhelmingly prefer to work with a “ lovable fool ” than with a competent jerk 传统的做法是包容这样的人如果他们确实有点能力? ?因为工作能力突出的独行侠可以通过培训改变而那些人际关系良好工作能力不强的合群佬却改变不了。