Mr . lilley replaces mr . charles t . cross who has resigned from ait 李洁明系接替已辞职的葛乐士的职务。
Mr . lilley is a graduate of yale university and has a master s degree from george washington university 李洁明毕业于耶鲁大学,并获有乔治华盛顿大学的硕士学位。
Mr . lilley says if the acting government is unable to restore order quickly it will undermine its credibility 利利说,如果临时政府不能够在短时间内恢复秩序,那么他们的信任度就会受到损害。
Since february 1981 mr . lilley has served as the policy coordinator and china advisor to the national security council staff 自一九八一年二月以来,李洁明即一直担任美国国家安全委员会的政策协调人和中国事务顾问。
The iri ' s jeff lilley says much of the looting in bishkek has targeted government offices and commercial shops with ties to the former president ' s family . " it looked like it was targeted in some places and absolutely random in other places 国际共和研究所的利利说,大部分的抢劫对象是政府大楼以及和前总统家族有关的商店: “在一些地方,抢劫看起来是有目标的,而在另一些地方又绝对是随意的。