| 1. | The tension in the room had lessened . 屋里的紧张气氛有所减缓。 |
| 2. | The doctor's anxiety was considerably lessened . 博士的忧虑也逐渐地消散了。 |
| 3. | As its height is increased entrainment lessens . 当它的高度增加时,夹带就减少了。 |
| 4. | Irritative symptoms lessened with repeated exposures . 刺激症状随着重复暴露而减轻。 |
| 5. | At last the daylight lessened . 终于,天色暗下去了。 |
| 6. | ( his ) drive was greatly lessened . 锐气大挫。 |
| 7. | As spring advanced, the discomforts of lowood lessened . 随着春天的来临,洛伍德的艰辛减少了。 |
| 8. | The sun lessened . 夕阳渐渐西沉。 |
| 9. | Anything that lessened concerns on that score would weaken deterrence . 任何减少在这方面的关切,都将削弱对它的威慑。 |
| 10. | Antitrust enforcement tends to lessen certain very high entry barriers 实施反托拉斯法就是为了削减某些过高的加入障碍。 |