Kullback ' s cross - entropy function is tried to smooth the minimal ncp - function and a non - interior continuation method is constructed for lcps 本章尝试用叉熵函数来光滑化极小化ncp函数。
The one - step non - interior continuation method of chen and xiu for lcps is refined in chapter four . it is extended to nlps . the control parameter is replaced by the smoothing parameter in the perturbation term of newton step 第四章细化了chen - xiu求解线性互补问题的一步非内点延拓算法,并且推广到非线性互补问题。
Chapter three introduces the development of interior - point methods for linear programs first since the interior - point methods for lcps can be looked as a natural extension of primal - dual interior - point methods for lps 由于求解线性互补问题的内点法可以看作是线性规划原-对偶内点法的一个自然推广,在第三章开头首先介绍了内点法。