| 1. | Brain lateralization of pitch pattern processing 音高模式加工的大脑偏侧化研究 |
| 2. | Development of hierarchical form lateralization 等级图形加工半球偏侧化的发展 |
| 3. | On functional lateralization of amygdala involved in emotion 杏仁核情绪功能偏侧化的成像研究述评 |
| 4. | The localization of the cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called lateralization 人们可以通过面部表情或手势等非语言手段进行交流。 |
| 5. | Evidence in supporting of lateralization for language in the left hemisphere comes from researches in dichotic listening tasks 证明左半球的语言侧化的证据来自于两耳分听研究。 |
| 6. | It becomes progressively more difficult to acquire language after the age at which lateralization is complete 这两个半球由一些起连接作用的神经路径从正中间像双胞胎一样连接在一起。 |
| 7. | Linguistic lateralization in terms of left hemispheric dominance for language is found to exist in an overwhelming majority of human beings 大脑侧化的一个显著特征是左半球语言侧化,它们的要旨和意义也随之而变。 |
| 8. | The process of lateralization is believed to be maturational . that is , brain lateralization is genetically programmed , but takes time to develop 侧化的过程被认为是一种发育成长的过程。也就是说,语言使用者用它们来引起情绪上的或行为上的反应,且不需要刻意的教导。 |