A professional make - up case inspired by lancome make - up artistry " color design studio " 从国际化妆师的专业技巧和场中获得创作灵感,兰蔻创造了全新亮丽彩妆锦盒。
This new edition of 3 bestselling juicy tubes from lancome will give to your lips an ultra - shiny effect 全新套装版包含兰蔻最畅销的三款果冻亮唇蜜,为您樱唇缔造份外闪烁动人的魅力!
An attractive coffret combining main lancome fragrances in their boxes - an ideal gift for the perfume ' s collectors 设计独特吸引的礼盒,精选了一系列兰蔻热卖香氛,是送给喜爱收藏香水人士的最佳礼物。
Lancome ' s new complete makeup set contains six color focus eye shadows , four le rouge absolu lip colors including a base , pressed powder , blush , mascara , eye and lip pencils 兰蔻全新呈献的全功能彩妆套装,包含6款晴彩眼影、 4款绝对完美唇膏色调、粉饼、胭脂、睫毛膏、眼线笔及唇线笔。
L ' oreal , which makes ambre solaire suncream and lancome lipsticks , said the body shop brand would be kept and the company would continue to be based in and run independently from the uk 欧莱雅表示,合并完成后, body shop品牌仍将保留,公司总部将继续维持原址于英国, body shop日后将在欧莱雅旗下独立营运。