Bettering the standards for measuring the quality of dolichos lablab l 中药材白扁豆质量标准的研究
Results the contents of total phospolipid in dolichos lablab l . was steady and up to the national standard 结果该基地产收的白扁豆总磷脂含量稳定,达到了国家标准。
Objective to determine and analyze the contents of total phospolipid in dolichos lablab l . from gap base of chinese medicinal materials in pingjiang , hunan , china 摘要目的测定分析湖南省gap种植基地湖南省平江县所产的白扁豆中总磷脂的含量。
Conclusion with the appropriate environment , the long history of culturing the material and the traditional planting technique for the culture of dolichos lablab l . the pingjiang gap bases in hunan is feasible to be the second production area for the culture of the crude drug in china 结论该地区有适合白扁豆生长的地域生态环境,又有悠久的白扁豆栽培历史和传统的种植技术与加工方法,大面积种植白扁豆是完全可行的。