Was stolen from a warehouse in kostroma . . .在科斯特罗马被偷了
Was stolen from a warehouse in kostroma . . .在科斯特罗马被偷了
As our bear - killer from kostroma used to say to me : a bear , hed say , why , whos not afraid of one 我们有个科斯特罗马的猎狗熊的人多次对我说过:那个人说,怎么能不怕狗熊呢?
He heard that the rostovs were in kostroma , and the thought of natasha rarely came to his mind , and when it did occur to him it was as a pleasant memory of time long past 他听说罗斯托夫一家在科斯特罗马,然而他却很少想到娜塔莎。如果说他曾想到过她,那也只是对一件久远往事的愉快回忆罢了。