| 1. | Koryo ' s chungson wang ' s contact with monk zhongfeng 高丽忠宣王与中峰和尚的交往 |
| 2. | The image of tao yuanming in the eyes koryo scholars 高丽文人笔下的陶渊明形象 |
| 3. | Koryo songgyungwan university of light industry 高丽成均馆轻工业综合大学 |
| 4. | A study of koryo celadonware discovered in shandong ' s penglai 对山东蓬莱发现高丽青瓷的思索 |
| 5. | The marriage system between the koryo royal families and its evolution 高丽王室族内婚制及其变化 |
| 6. | The soviets called them koryo people 苏联人叫他们高丽人 |
| 7. | They said she ' s a koryo person 有人说她是高丽人 |
| 8. | The last king of koryo attempted to invade manchuria to regain the rest of koguryo territory 高丽的最后一位国王企图进攻满州以夺回高句丽从前的领土。 |
| 9. | And the aesthetic consciousness in koryo literature plays a decisive role in its breaking new ground in korean literature 高丽审美意识承前启后,具有转折性的特殊意义。 |