Such geographical advantage creates a great market for kielce city , and it therefore becomes one of the most important cities regarding business opportunities 如此优越的地理优势为凯尔采营造了一个非常好的市场环境,成为了欧洲的一个重要经济枢纽站。
With support from the city government , trade fairs is one of the leading industries in kielce , and the city is now can be compared with , poznan , the most important fair city in poland 在其政府的大力支持下,会展业逐渐成为了其主导产业,势头直逼波兰第一会展城市波兹兰。
Kielce is the second largest fair city in poland , locating in central europe , near poland ' s capital , warsaw , and only hour away from the popular tourist city , krakow 凯尔采市是波兰第二大展览城市,地处中欧的中心,临近波兰首都华沙,距欧洲著名旅游城市克拉科夫更是只有一小时车程。
Within 700 km , there are 8 european capitals around kielce - berlin in germany , vienna in austria , prague in czech , minsk in belarus , kyiv in ukraine , bratislava in slovakia , vilnius in lithuania and budapest in hungry 其周边700公里内就辐射到了八个国家的首都? ?德国柏林、奥地利维也纳、捷克布拉格、白俄罗斯明斯克、乌克兰基辅、斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发、立陶宛维尔纽斯、匈牙利布达佩斯。