They did not stampede when sniffing either clean clothes or those worn by kamba tribesmen , farmers who pose little threat to the animals , bates said 大象在闻到乾净衣服或坎巴族人穿过的衣物时,并不会拔足狂奔,因为坎巴族人以务农为生,鲜少对大象构成威胁。
Working with the amboseli elephant research project in southern kenya , the researchers presented the animals with clean clothing and material worn by either a masai or kamba tribesman 研究人员是与肯亚南部的安波赛利大象研究计画合作,让大象嗅闻乾净的衣服,以及分别被马赛族人或坎巴族人穿过的衣物。
From the lake , later is diverted through the kamba la mountain to the south bank of the yarlung zangbo river to generate electricity by means of a sharp drop of more than 840 metres between the lake and the river 该工程引湖水穿过分水电官巴拉山至雅鲁藏布江南岸江边、利用羊卓雍湖和雅鲁藏布江之间840余米的落差建站发电。