Kalam called for new laws that would allow governments to regulate what information may be seen on the web 卡拉玛提议订立新的法例能让政府控制哪些信息能在出现在网络上。
In 1983 the integrated guided missile development program was set up under the leadership of abdul kalam , a renowned rocket engineer 1983年,整合导向飞弹发展计画上马,由著名火箭工程师卡蓝主持。
A separate mercy plea was filed by last month by afzal ' s wife who met president a . p . j abdul kalam , along with her young son and afzal ' s mother 阿夫札尔的妻子上个月带著幼子与婆婆晋见卡拉姆总统时,也提出另一份赦免请愿书。
Kalam adopted an open management style ? as compared with the closed military research program ? and involved academic institutions and private firms 相对于封闭的军事研究计画,卡蓝采取开放式管理,学术机构与私人公司都参与了研发。