H interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for the workplace 8工作间的人际关系及个人才能
G interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for the workplace 7工作间的人际关系及个人才能
In a sense , a person who enjoys keeping a diary has the ability 15 15 on his own and so he has intrapersonal intelligence 就某方面而言?喜欢写日记的人具有内省能力?所以拥有内省智能。
Language provides a means for the expression or communication of thought and in particular , as serving two major functions , namely , interpersonal communication and intrapersonal communication 语言提供了一种表达和交流思想的工具,语言中枢就位于这一部分。
Findings of the research provide new insights to improve the present understanding of tb and their relationships to degree of teacher job involving , of teacher intrapersonal intelligence , of teacher critical thinking , and of teacher ' s job satisfaction 显示教师效能感、职业认同、教师反思智力、批判思考倾向、工作满意度及工作业绩等变量对教师信念的影响均显著,证实了本研究的基本假设。
2 . to different type of children , there is no significant difference in the interpersonal attribution , but difference exists in intrapersonal attribution . less popular children attribute communicative success and failure to their own stable and controlled factors than tht others 受欢迎儿童较其他类型儿童更少将交往成功归因于自身、稳定、可控因素,也比被拒绝儿童、忽略儿童及矛盾儿童更少将交往失败归因于自身、稳定、可控因素。
Gardner defines intelligence as an ability to solve problems or create products that are valued in at least one or more culture settings . his view of intelligence suggests that all people possess at least eight different intelligences which operate in varying degrees . these intelligences as identified by gardner include linguistic intelligence , logical / mathematical intelligence , spatial intelligence , musical intelligence , bodily / kinesthetic intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence 加德纳将智力定义为在特定的文化背景下或社会中,解决问题或制造有效产品的能力,他根据“智力选择依据系统” ,经过严格论证筛选,提出人类智力至少应包括:语言智能、数学逻辑智能、空间智能、身体运动智能、音乐智能、人际关系智能、自我认识智能和自然观察智能等8种智能。
Howard gardner , the psychologist of harvard university believes people have mulhple intelligences , besides verbatingulstic intelligence , logicaouathematical intelligence , people also have vsual / spatial inelligence , musicarmythinic intelligence , bodi1yxinesthetic hitelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , naturalist intelligence , existential intelligence 人除了语言和逻辑-数理智力外还有视觉-空间智力、音乐-节奏智力、身体-运动智力、人际-交往智力、自我反省智力、自然观察者智力以及存在智力。
The following conclusions are made by the study : 1 . in 4 - graders " interpersonal attribution , they admit or reject others by such aspects as behavior and moral qualities learning and personality and so on . in their intrapersonal attribution , 4 - graders often attribute their success to implicit controllable and positive factors , while attribute their failure to uncontrollable and explicit factors 本研究得出如下结论: 1在他人归因中,小学4年级儿童主要从行为、学习和性格等方面进行归因;在自我归因中,他们更多将成功归因于自身可控的积极因素,将失败归因于自身不可控因素和外在因素。