Insularity and self - containment , it is argued , go hand in hand 他们争论说,心胸狭窄和自我封闭是并存的。
It was the old tragedy of insularity trying to serve as mentor to the universal 这是一个古老的悲剧:目光短浅者偏要充当胸襟辽阔者的导师。
Ireland took on the challenge of moving from economic insularity to openness and did so successfully 爱尔兰努力从经济鼓励型(岛屿性)转变为经济开放型的国家,并且取得了重大的成功。
No country , of course , is bound to repeat history , and china has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment , trade and technology 当然,没有哪个国家一定要重复历史,并且中国也已摆脱了数个世纪的闭关自守,而向外国投资、贸易和技术展开了怀抱。
No country , of course , is bound to repeat the history , and china has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment , trade and technology 诚然,没有哪个国家必须要重复历史,况且中国也已摆脱了几个世纪来的闭关自守,并对外国的投资、贸易以及技术敞开了怀抱。
Gone is the intellectual insularity of the discipline , and gone is the splendid isolation of social anthropology as well , as a small subject professing access to arcane forms of secret knowledge 去学科的智力偏狭性,并且去社会人类学的精采隔离,作为一个小主题公开宣称对秘密知识的神秘形式的通入。
Though ethnic minorities make up less than 10 % of the resident population , britain is one of the easiest countries to enter , despite its insistence ( often quoted as evidence of insularity ) on maintaining border controls within the eu 尽管少数民族占总居住人口不到10 % ,不论作为欧盟的一员,它如何严守边防(这常常被引申为岛国排外的证据) ,英国都是最方便入境的国家之一。
Britons ' lives have been vastly improved by the availability of affordable foreign goods , from food and clothing to films , as well as by an influx of people to challenge their insularity and greater opportunity to travel and live abroad 英国人的生活有了大幅提高,这是由于可负担得起的外国货的可供性,从食品到服装到电影,此外人们开始蜂拥挑战他们原有的岛国性质,现在有更多的机会可以到国外游历和生活。