The exam was technically adequate in all cases with no adverse events ; the researchers took care to insufflate the colon slowly while communicating with the patient 参与该试验的所有受试患者均受到很好的技术处置,研究人员向肠管内小心缓慢充气的同时还与患者交谈,所有的患者并没有不良反应出现。
As one of the . most effective rock shoring forms , rock - bolt reinforcement is still in use combining with some shoring forms such as three - dimensional vegetable netting , insufflating - virescence reinforcement , sash reinforcement and their effects are very distinctly 但作为减小岩体侧向变形、增强边坡稳定的锚杆支护作为最有效的岩质边坡的支护方式之一,仍广泛地于三维植被网、边坡绿化喷播、框格防护等形式结合进行边坡防护,效果非常明显。