A nebula is really a discrete mass of innumerous stars . 一团星云实际上是无数星体不连续的集合体。
The stars in the night sky are innumerous 夜空中的星星数不清。
Innumerous students and tourists pour into the museums of new york for leisure as the summer vacation comes 纽约大都会博物馆是美国最著名的博物馆之一,暑假期间吸引大批慕名而来的学生和观光者。
China ' s rapid rise as one of the strongest economic power in the asia - pacific region has attracted innumerous overseas investors with broad vision 中国迅速崛起为亚太地区的经济强国已经吸引了无数有远见的海外投资者。
Arjuna , these very same innumerous living entities repeatedly taking birth with the advent of his day , disappear on the arrival of his night manifesting again automatically on the advent of his day 阿诸那啊,就是这些同样的无数众生,周而复始地随着“他”的白天的到来而出生,夜晚的降临而消失,下一个白天的到来又自动展现。
She mentioned that up to that time , the death toll had already reached 10 , 000 with countless people injured , another 35 , 000 estimated buried under the debris , and innumerous people sleeping on the streets due to fear of further tremors 据她表示,当时遇难人数已近万,伤者无数,还有估计三万五千多人被埋瓦砾之中,更有许多人因为恐惧馀震而露宿街头。
There are many choice for lodging , including luxurious hotels such as jianyin guesthouse , qinghai guesthouse , and shengli guesthouse , which are slightly cheaper than three - star hotel in beijing , as well as innumerous even cheaper little hostels 在西宁市住宿的选择非常多,高档的有“建银宾馆” 、 “青海宾馆” 、 “胜利宾馆”等,标准间一天的价格比北京的三星级饭店价格稍便宜些,此外还有很多价格低廉的小旅店。
The criterion and extent of copyright infringement liability of dl , on the one hand , which affect directly not only the standard and quality of copyright protection , but also the existence and development of increasing internet industry , on the other hand , which is correlative with interests of innumerous users , hence copyright must delimit and define the liability of dl 另外,数字图书馆的版权侵权责任的标准和范围不仅直接影响版权保护的水平和质量,而且直接影响新兴的网络服务业的生存和发展,关系到互联网能否健康发展,也关系到无数网络用户的利益。因此,版权保护法律在界定数字图书馆责任的同时,必须考虑对其责任加以必要的限制。