The original golden rice developed by dr ingo potrykus in switzerland has often been criticised as producing too little vitamin a to make a difference 缺乏影响的地区都把大米作为一种主食,因此大米被看作是可以让儿童摄入维生素
Huambo , angola , 06 dec ? the german government is investing 7 . 4 million euros on several projects in the angolan provinces of huambo , hu la , benguela and kwanza - sul , the german ambassador to angola , ingo winkelmann said in huambo monday 安哥拉万博12月6日电德国驻安哥拉大使英戈?温克尔曼周一在此间称,德国政府将对安哥拉万博省、威拉省、本格拉省、南宽扎省的多个项目投资740万欧元。