Regarded as one of the masters of cinema , swedish filmmaker ingmar bergman , in the 1960s , passed away july 30 , 2007 英格玛?伯格曼是被称为影院主宰之一的瑞典电影制片人,图为伯格曼在1960年,他于2007年7月30日去世。
Stockholm , sweden - - master filmmaker ingmar bergman , one of the greatest artists in cinema history , died today at his home on an island off the coast of sweden . he was 89 我还在纳闷为什么洛杉矶时报和卫报的网站会在同一天挂出伯格曼的照片和电影海报,原来是他死?了。
Stockholm , sweden - swedish director ingmar bergman , an iconoclastic filmmaker widely regarded as one of the great masters of modern cinema , died monday , local media reported . he was 89 years old 发于瑞典斯德哥尔摩-最受尊敬的现代电影大师英格玛博格曼,于当地时间七月三十日星期一过世。享年八十九岁。
The legendary career of ingmar bergman comes to an end with this final feature , a fitting return to the work that remains one of the director s most painfully personal : 1973 s seminal 英玛褒曼真会吓人,八十五岁亲手来决定自己一生的终曲,对,他最后作品已非二十多年前的芬妮与阿历山大,影痴们快来将记忆取代。
Based on the esthetic textual analysis of persona , filmed by swedish director ingmar bergman , this article discusses the philosophic and esthetic relationship lying in human beings ' language and silence , and then discusses the ontological significance that films possess as a specific form of the language 摘要通过对瑞典导演伯格曼的电影《假面》所进行的电影美学方面的文本分析,探讨存在于人类的言语与沉默之间的哲学与美学关系,并进而探讨电影作为一种语言的形式的本体论意义。
On late night tv from the comfort of her couch , while wong tracks down lee s distant relatives in western cinema , carl theodor dreyer and ingmar bergman . michael lam enters lee s costume - drama world under full license - distant childhood memories intertwined with present day viewing experience - and salvages long forgotten cinema classics from the musty closet 还有迈克,一头栽进李晨风的古装世界,嬉皮笑脸把童年的回忆和今天的阅读搅拌在一起,抵死反斗的同时,也将李晨风一些久被遗忘了的作品,从尘封的角落里从新挖掘出来。