influence: n.1.影响,感化 (on; upon)。2.势力,权势。3.有影响的人物[事物],有权势的人。4.感应。短语和例子exercise influence on [upon] sb. 影响某人,对某人施加影响。 have influence on [upon] sb. 对某人有影响。 a man of great influence 很有权势的人。 backstair inf
Ohio congressman bob ney has resigned . ney pleaded guilty last month in the jack abramoff influence - peddling investigation . the republican congressman was under increased pressure to quit by fellow lawmakers 俄亥俄州的议员鲍博.内已经辞职。内承认与上个月的杰克.艾布拉姆行商调查案有牵连。这位共和党是在日益增长的压力下被迫下台的。
Ohio congressman bob ney has resigned . ney pleaded guilty last month in the jack abramoff influence - peddling investigation . the republican congressman was under increased pressure to quit by fellow lawmakers 俄亥俄州国会议员鲍勃.奈伊已经辞职。奈伊在上个月阿布拉莫夫招权纳贿调查中认罪。这位共和党议员在立法者日渐强大的压力下辞去职务。