| 1. | I told him that i thought it would be imprudent . 我告诉他我认为那样做将是轻率的。 |
| 2. | It was rather imprudent of the little girl to interrupt our conversation like that . 这丫头,打断我们的谈话,没轻没重的。 |
| 3. | Your cousin melchior was imprudent with his investments and got into a very queer street . 你表兄梅尔基奥投资太不小心,负了很多债。 |
| 4. | It was imprudent for france to indulge this trait when she was so grievously weakened . 法国在遭到如此严重削弱的关头,便犯这种脾气,那是很轻率的事。 |
| 5. | His conduct, on the unhappy occasion of wilson's execution, was capable of being attributed to an imprudent excess of zeal in the execution of his duty . 在处理威尔逊的不幸事故中,他的过失可以解释为执行任务时过分轻率的热心。 |
| 6. | You two are restless, meddling, imprudent scoundrels, whose chief motive-principle is selfish ambition, as dangerous as it is puerile . 你们两个都是靠不住的,惹是生非的,天职的恶棍,你们的主要动机就是自私的野心,又危险又无聊。 |
| 7. | She had been the lovely regina dallas, a penniless beauty introduced to new york society by her cousin, the imprudent medora manson . 她从前叫丽贾娜达拉斯。虽然一文不名,却是个美人儿,经她的表姐,轻佻的梅朵拉曼森的介绍,进入了纽约的社交界。 |
| 8. | He saved him from an imprudent marriage 他把他的朋友从一门鲁莽的婚事中拯救出来 |
| 9. | So imprudent a match on both sides 这两个男女就这样冒冒失失地配成了一对! |
| 10. | It is imprudent of you to lend money to a stranger 你把钱借给陌生人,未免太轻率了。 |