Main products include suited offset point imprinter bearing sets comber gear for weaving industry metal mould and gear vacuum gear synchro gear worm worm wheel . acme whorl fitting and all kinds of fittings with various gears 主要产品:印刷行业各种胶印机和印后设备轮及轴承套,纺织行业精梳机轮,金属板材压延模具和轮,真空泵轮同步带轮蜗杆蜗轮副acme螺纹副各种直斜锥及各种盘类和轴类件等机械加工件。
Xian yuci etc . and synchronously the products are sold to many industries as the machining fittings included suited offset point imprinter food equipment road equipment coal equipment decelerater machine tool . and synchronously high academy and foreign trade companies need our gears too 多年来为北京涿州唐山石家庄西安山西等企业配套胶印机印后设备食品机械交通公路装备,煤矿机械减速机机床高等院校外贸等行业提供轮及相关机加工件。