After which , with tranquil immodesty , she came out and undid her little linen stays and held out her arms to mme jules , who drew the short - sleeved tunic over them 然后,她毫不害羞地出来,解开薄纱短上衣的钮扣,把两只胳膊伸给朱勒太太,让她给自己穿上短袖上衣。
What is immodesty in the eastern ethics has thus become an advantage in reality . so there is some merit in the western way one can hardly survive , let alone thrive , without highlighting one ' s own achievements and potentials 在东方人看来是不谦虚的作法,从现实结果看,西方的作风是占优势,不突出自己的成就,就不能生存,也不能发挥本身的才华。