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Chinese translation for "ibsen"

Ibsen , Henrik 亨利易卜生〔1828-1906,挪威剧作家。以社会问题剧 (problem play) 形式对社会作批评、讽刺〕。
Example Sentences:
1.Kierkegaard ' s shadow and lu xun ' s view of ibsen
2.Ibsen wrote , " not all women are meant to be mothers .
易卜生写过, “不是所有的女人都能当母亲”
3.The chinese scholar hu shi was a believer of ibsen ' s doctrine
4.We ' ii see some ibsen . if the repubiicans haven ' t outiawed him by now
5.Henrik ibsen says , " it ' s your supreme duty to cast yourself into a useful implement .
易卜生说: "你的最大责任是把你这块材料铸造成器。
6.Ibsen was a foreign writer who had great influence on chinese literary drive in may - fourth movement in 1919
7.After dropping by the home of playwright henrik ibsen , we ' re off to a boisterous celebration of norwegian village life , complete with traditional costumes , dancing and potato pancakes
8.The heroines in a doll ' s house by henrik ibsen and regret for the past by luxun are both objectified by their respective environment , but they resort to different means of discourse
9.Between this point and the high , at present unlit , warehouses of beresford place stephen thought to think of ibsen , associated with baird s , the stonecutter s , in his mind somehow in talbot place , first turning on the right , while the other , who was acting as his fidus achates , inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of james rourke s city bakery , situated quite close to where they were , the very palatable odour indeed of our daily bread , of all commodities of the public the primary and most indispensable
这所坐落在塔博特街右手第一个拐角处的石匠贝尔德的作坊不知怎地引起了他的联想4 。这时,充当斯蒂芬的忠实的阿卡帖斯5的另一位,怀着由衷的欣喜闻着近在咫尺的詹姆斯鲁尔克都市面包房6的气味,那是我们的日用粮7的芬香,确实可口,在公众的日用商品中,它是头等重要最不可缺少的。
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