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Chinese translation for "ibm"


1.intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道飞弹。
2.International Business Machines Corporation 〔美国〕国际商用机器公司。
Example Sentences:
1.Most often, the ibm disk-track format is used, sometimes with minor variations .
2.United airlines and ibm were among these firms, and in a variety of ways they outperformed their japanese counterparts .
3.Solutions , the ibm technical developer conference
解决方案, ibm技术开发人员大会
4.Learn how to configure ibm cloudscape , use
了解如何配置ibm cloudscape 、如何通过
5.Please talk a little about your roles within ibm
6.Why would a big company like ibm care
为什么像ibm这样的大公司也会对它感兴趣? ”
7.You ' re absolutely right . i got a job at ibm
8.For more information , read the ibm redbook
9.It is based on work initially done by ibm
10.On - line shopping for ibm computers and accessories
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