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Chinese translation for "hydatid"

Example Sentences:
1.At exploratory surgical operations, however, the unopened hydatid cyst should be excised .
2.Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for hydatid disease
3.A survey on human hydatid disease in henan mongolian autonomous county , qinghai province
4.Sweden , ireland and the united kingdom require treatment for hydatid tapeworm and ticks within 48 hours prior to movement
瑞典、爱尔兰及英国规定猫狗须在出发前4 8小时作驱除细粒棘球?虫及蜱的处理。
5.Finland requires the animal to be treated for hydatid tapeworm before travelling . sweden , ireland and the united kingdom require the animal has been blood tested for rabies antibodies at an approved laboratory at least 30 days after rabies vaccination and at least six months before travelling
瑞典、爱尔兰及英国规定猫狗须在认可的化验所测试血液是否有足够狂犬病抗体,验血日期须为接种狂犬病疫苗之后最少3 0天,而且要在旅游出发日期前最少六个月。
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