Both humification and decomposition are impeded . 腐殖化过程与分解过程均受到抑制。
The final process in organic matter decomposition is known as humification . 有机物分解的最后程序称为腐殖质化。
The humification cofficient of the wheat straw determined with the nylon bag method was 12 . 25 % 用锦纶袋法测定小麦秸秆在潮土中的腐殖化系数为12 . 25 % 。
The products of hydrothermal degradation contained abundant organic matter and humic matter , and the degree of humification increased with the increase of temperature of hydrothermal degradation 在湿解过程中有机物料的主要化学组分同时受到热、湿、水解等各种作用,最终形成腐殖质。
The c / n ratios of corn residues and soybean residues still kept at 26 - 29 , 29 - 36 at the end of experiment respectively , and were much higher than that of soil humus . it showed that the humification did n ' t complete after 13 months " decaying at the end of experiment 试验结束时,玉米秸和大豆秸c n比分别为26 - 29和29 - 36 ,远大于土壤腐殖酸的c n比,说明腐殖化作用还未完成。