Querulously, my father and i were seated side by side in my uncle's humber . 我和父亲是怒气冲冲地并排坐在伯父的亨伯牌小汽车里。
This makes the player humber and stay hungry 这样会使我们的球员变得低调,而且变得饥渴。
Its length is surpassed only by the humber bridge in england 它的长度仅次于英国亨伯桥。
I hate heights but i screwed up all my courage and walked across the new suspension bridge over the river humber 我不喜欢登高,但我鼓起勇气,走过了穿越在休姆伯河上的新吊桥。
In yorkshire and the humber over the last twelve months our focus on the bid has already led to a number of benefits 在约克郡和恒勃地区最近12个月以来,人们已经注意到奥运申办活动带来的一系列好处。
Coenwulf , whose kingdom eventually stretched from the south coast to the humber in the north and from east anglia to the welsh border , was the most powerful english ruler at that time 金币大小与现流通的1便士硬币相当,重4 . 33克,正面印有国王科恩伍尔夫的半身像及其名字,背面则印有
The tsing ma bridge , linking tsing yi island to ma wan island , is one of the world s longest suspension bridges , with a central span of 1 , 377 metres ( the humber bridge in the uk is 1 , 410 metres long , while the golden gate bridge in san francisco is 1 , 280 metres long ) . it is the first and biggest of the five major contracts tendered for the lantau link 青马大桥连接青衣及马湾,是世界最长的吊桥之一,主跨达1 , 377米(英国的亨伯大桥长1 , 410米,美国三藩市的金门大桥则长1 , 280米) ,也是青屿干线五项主要合约工程中最大型和最先批出的一项。
The entomophthoralean fungus , pandora delphacis ( hori ) humber , ( zygomycotina : entomophthorales ) is an insect pathogen specific to homopteran insects such as planthoppers , leafhoppers , and aphids and frequently cause epizootics in insect populations . problems with propagation of inocula at a low cost , but high efficiency , have been a technical obstacle to progress for entomophthoralean study and utilization for a long run 飞虱虫疠霉( pandoradelphacis ( hori ) humber )是同翅目昆虫的专性昆虫病原真菌,分类上属于接合菌亚门( zygomycotina )的虫霉目( entomophthorales ) ,常引发飞虱、叶蝉的流行病,也侵染蚜虫、沫蝉等寄主。