vt. (hoked; hoking) 〔俚语〕 1.以虚情假意对待;搪塞,敷衍。 2.勉强拼凑〔通常与 up 连用〕。 n. 〔俚语〕= hokum.
Example Sentences:
Hoke goes to the nearby town of yerkey ? s hole , where belle knops is both mayor and bordello - mistress 马吉被捕下狱,但他的印第安女友帮忙他脱逃。
She appoints hoke town sheriff and tries to get him to stir up the indians so the soldiers at the nearby fort ( the main customers ) won ? t go to little big horn 镇长大为恐慌,伪称印第安人将会血洗小镇,要求南军将领留下一队军人保护小镇。