There is evidence of the existence of some hinayana buddhism of the sanskrit canon . 有史料证明有崇信梵文佛典的小乖佛教存在。
This is called hinayana . but you initiated disciples are my mahayana disciples 这是叫小乘,你们印心的弟子就是师父大乘的徒弟。
In fact , there are two major sects of buddhism in india , the mahayana and the hinayana 传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内。
Yuantong temple , teach call that the north spreads the to teach again from the mahayana , the seat of honor a teach be so called the hinayana to teach and hides to spread the palace of that buddhism is also a teach the three greatest religious sections to constitute , with the mahayana buddhism for lord 圆通寺,由大乘佛教又称北传佛教上座部佛教俗称小乘佛教和藏传佛教也就是喇嘛教三大教派的佛殿组成,以大乘佛教为主。