| 1. | There are some hideous diamond fenders . 还有一些难看的宝石垫座。 |
| 2. | There are some hideous diamond fenders . 有一些难看的宝石垫座。 |
| 3. | All give him a hideous and unnatural appearance . 这一切都使他显出一副可憎恶的和不自然的模样。 |
| 4. | The furniture is hideous . 家具很粗俗。 |
| 5. | No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous . 以往的瘟疫从没象这次那么恐怖,那么骇人听闻。 |
| 6. | Now this world of doubts and darkness gives birth to strange and hideous creatures . 于是疑虑黑暗的世界涌现了奇怪可怕的生物。 |
| 7. | Bending closely over him, i at length drank in the hideous import of his words . 我弯下身子,紧紧地挨着他,终于听清了他话里的可怕含意。 |
| 8. | I desire that the golden ship shall turn to black wood and the crew to hideous old men . 我想把那只金船变成黑木船,把船员都变为丑不堪睹的老头子。 |
| 9. | Slowly i drew forth that hideous fish, and with a feeling of desperation again looked at it . 我把那条讨厌的鱼慢慢地拉了出来,怀着一种绝望的心情又开始观察它。 |