Advices : during the training time you should use the rneasurment of heartrate very efficenly to control the arrangement of burthen intensity 建议:在运动训练过程中应该运用心率的测量有效的控制负荷强度的安排。
The result shows that you can make the exercises more scientific by obeying the measurment of heartrate and the arrangement of intensity 结果表明:依据心率的测量来监控负荷强度的安排,将会使运动训练更加科学化。
This article researched about the method of heartrate measuring and the relationship between heartrate and intensity by using . references logic analysis and interview with experts 摘要本文通过文献资料查阅、逻辑分析、专家访谈等方法,对心率测量方法、心率与训练强度的关系等问题进行了研究。