At dawn he rose, shook off the hayseeds and stems from his clothes . 天刚亮的时候,他就起来了,把草籽儿和草秸从身上抖掉。
Once the hero of jefferson, the virtuous husbandman, he was the rube, the hick, the hayseed . 一度被杰斐逊奉为英雄的农民,昔日俨然是男子汉大丈夫,而今却一落千丈,成了乡下人、庄稼汉、乡巴佬。
That's the kind of god you people talk abouta country bumpkin, a clumsy, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed . 你们所说的就是这样一个上帝一个乡巴佬,一个笨手笨脚、呆头呆脑、自高自大、毫无修养的土包子。
Most farmer have a stereo type hayseed image 大部分农民都有一副固定的乡巴佬形象。
In loose allwool garments with harris tweed cap , price 8 6 , and useful garden boots with elastic gussets and wateringcan , planting aligned young firtrees , syringing , pruning , staking , sowing hayseed , trundling a weedladen wheelbarrow without excessive fatigue at sunset amid the scent of newmown hay , ameliorating the soil , multiplying wisdom , achieving longevity 浇水,剪枝,用桩撑起,播种牧草种籽。日暮时分,在新割牧草的一片清香弥漫中,在不过分劳累下,推着那堆满了杂草的低矮的独轮车,改良着土壤,不断丰富着知识,获得长寿。