As a result , dr hartung estimates that false positives could outweigh false negatives 75 times over 最终,哈尔顿博士估计假阳性将超出假阴性达七十五倍之多。
Thomas hartung is toxicologist who was moved by the animal suffering he witnessed to seek alternatives 哈东是毒物学者,因目睹实验动物所受的苦难而决定要寻找替代方法。
4 hartung f , kutter m . multimedia watermarking techniques . in proc . the ieee , 1999 , 87 : 1079 - 1107 该技术需要使用原始图像对数极坐标域中的一小块信息来计算水印位置的平移。
Hartung ' s alternative pyrogen assay is licensed by a nonprofit group to charles river laboratories in massachusetts 他所开发来替代热原检验的方法,由非营利团体授权美国麻州的查尔斯河实验室使用。
Hartung has a doctorate in biochemical pharmacology from the university of constance in germany and an m . d . in toxicology from t bingen university 哈东拥有德国康士坦士大学的生化药理学博士学位,以及杜宾根大学主攻毒物学的医学学位。