You have to wear this . - a hairnet 你一定要戴上这东西。 -这发罩?
Ansi or snell approved helmet is required during the entire bike race . riders without approved helmets will be immediately disqualified . leather or vinyl hairnet helmets are not allowed 赛会建议运动员使用经由ansi或snell认可之自行车头盔。运动员在自行车赛程中未能戴上赛会认可的自行车头盔将会被即时取消参赛资格。
How uses these databases to operate on the hairnet the oil - field development dynamic contrast analysis system is we develops the oil - field development oil field dynamic statistics contrast analysis system the goal 如何利用这些数据库开发网上油田开发动态对比分析系统是我们开发油田开发油田动态统计对比分析系统的目标。