You ' re a good grifter , man . it ' s hard to tell when you ' re lying 你是个高明的骗子。很难分辨你是否在说谎
You ' re a good grifter , man 你是个很高明的骗子。
Before becoming a grifter , albert used to be a shoe salesman in the american mid - west 从事欺诈之前,阿尔伯特曾在美国中西部做卖鞋的生意。
He ' s got the spirit and energy to be a great grifter - now he wants the wisdom that comes with experience 他拥有成为欺诈高手的精气神? ?现在他所需要的则是通过更多的实践经验来丰富自己的智慧。
A sharp and polished grifter , jake has just swindled thousands of dollars from lionel , an accountant for mafia " the king " 英俊不凡骗术高明的积克刚与同党骗取了一笔巨款,点知惹祸上身,原来系黑手党大王的黑钱。
What jake vig doesn t know just might get him killed . a sharp and polished grifter , jake has just swindled thousands of dollars from the unsuspecting 英俊不凡骗术高明的积克刚与同党骗取了一笔巨款,点知惹祸上身,原来系黑手党大王的黑钱。
A veteran of the long con , and a respected grifter of the old - school generation , albert ' s job in the team is to pick the right targets ( " rope the mark " ) for his con colleagues 阿尔伯特不仅是“放长线吊大鱼”的老法师,还是个令人尊敬的诈骗老前辈,在团队中,阿尔伯特的主要工作是为伙伴们选择一个正确的目标人物(对目标下套) 。