Thoroughly drenched and chilled, the two adventurers returned to their position in the gorse . 两个冒险家浑身湿漉漉地打着寒噤,回到原先金雀花丛那里。
Rosemount is a wooded and heathland course founded in 1889 with pine trees , silver birch , gorse , broom and heather 罗斯蒙德是一个树木繁茂,石南丛生的场地,建于1889年。
From shoulder to shoulder he measured several ells and his rocklike mountainous knees were covered , as was likewise the rest of his body wherever visible , with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse ulex europeus 两肩之间宽达数埃尔46 。他那如磐石若山岳的双膝,就像身上其他裸露着的部分一样,全结结实实地长满了黄褐色扎扎乎乎的毛。