I saw your smiling mask , pretending naivete , no matter what is goody - goody 我再次看见你的微笑,这纯真化作了伪善的面具。
Scarlett : melanie hamilton , that goody - goody . who wants to know a secret about her 郝斯嘉:美兰尼那个看上去很正经的小姐。谁想知道关于她的秘密。
Epictitus ' s teachings on virtue has nothing to do with being a goody - goody or a doormat 艾匹克提塔斯对于美德的教诲完全无关于做一个大好人或当一块门口的擦鞋垫那样任人践踏。
At least , so joseph told me , and he heard it from the servants at the bishop s palace . there s no one like it nowadays , and for the matter of that , she s become goody - goody . 她还是一个花天酒地的娘儿们呢,这是约瑟夫对我说的,他是从主教府的佣人们那里听来的,这样的风流娘儿们现在可没有了。
Well , they held the auction in the public square , along towards the end of the afternoon , and it strung along , and strung along , and the old man he was on hand and looking his level pisonest , up there longside of the auctioneer , and chipping in a little scripture now and then , or a little goody - goody saying of some kind , and the duke he was around goo - gooing for sympathy all he knowed how , and just spreading himself generly 拍卖拖啊,拖啊,一直在拖下去。那个老头儿亲自到场,站在台上主持拍卖的人身边,神情十分虔诚,不时插进去引一小段圣经上的话,或是几句假仁假义的话。公爵呢,也在旁边咕咕咕地叫,想方设法引起人家对他表示同情,并且借这个机会,好叫自己出出风头。
Well , by and by the king he gets up and comes forward a little , and works himself up and slobbers out a speech , all full of tears and flapdoodle about its being a sore trial for him and his poor brother to lose the diseased , and to miss seeing diseased alive after the long journey of four thousand mile , but it s a trial that s sweetened and sanctified to us by this dear sympathy and these holy tears , and so he thanks them out of his heart and out of his brother s heart , because out of their mouths they can t , words being too weak and cold , and all that kind of rot and slush , till it was just sickening ; and then he blubbers out a pious goody - goody amen , and turns himself loose and goes to crying fit to bust 随后国王站了起来,朝前走了几步,酝酿好了情绪,哭哭啼啼作了一番演说,一边眼泪直流,一边胡话连篇,说他和他那可怜的兄弟,从四千英里外,仆仆风尘赶到这里,却失掉了亲人,连最后一面也未见到,心里有多难过,只是由于大伙儿的亲切慰问和神圣的眼泪,这样的伤心事也就加上了一种甜蜜的滋味,变成了一件庄严的事,他和他兄弟从心底里感谢他们。因为嘴里说出的话无法表达心意,语言委实太无力太冷淡了。如此等等的一类废话,听了叫人要吐。