He came back with it to where they held guy of gisborne prisoner and cursing most foully 盖被推到他们抓到的囚犯堆里,他用最下流的话大声咒骂。
I will have speech of guy of gisborne , and see if i may not keep you among my men 你愿意的话就跟我来,我会跟盖吉斯朋说说看,是否我能留你在身边。
This second arrow struck higher , squarely in the front of the steel , which , as robin knew , it could not pierce , but the force of it was so great that guy of gisborne tumbled down into the snow and lay half stunned with the shock 第二支箭中较高的地方,不偏不倚地射入盔甲的前部,罗宾知道没有穿透,但是力量大得足使盖吉斯朋翻落雪地,吓得半死。
His grandfather , in the time of henry the first , had been granted the tenancy of this acreage , the best of all the lands belonging to the abbey , and when robin ' s father died said of gisborne had tried vainly to thrust robin out from his holding and take back the fram to the abbey ' s use 他的祖父在亨利一世时就被允许承租这块属于寺院中最好的土地,当罗宾的父亲死后,盖吉斯朋曾逼迫罗宾放弃财产,要这座农场归还寺院使用,结果无功而返。