The americans, on the other hand, had regarded the de gaullist movement as a minor military auxiliary . 另一方面,美国却把戴高乐运动看成是微不足道的军事辅助队。
Having admired de gaulle, he had little difficult with the gaullist strain in pompidou's approach . 基于对戴高乐的仰慕,他对蓬皮杜处事的的戴高乐气质一点不感到别扭。
I myself have become a gaullist only little by little 我自己也只是一点一点地才成为一个戴高乐主义者的。
But following the coup de grace against denmark , chirac sent out a rallying call to the team which could have doubled as a personal statement of gaullist intentions to voters 但是在丹麦队断送了法国队的世界杯之梦后,希拉克向全队发出了战斗口号,其实也可以看作是他向选民发出的戴高乐式的个人宣言。