| 1. | U . n . envoy ibrahim gambari says he is optimistic he will be able to return to burma , " way before april . 联合国秘书长的缅甸事务特使易卜拉欣.甘巴里说,他预计不久就会重新访问缅甸。 |
| 2. | Jiang also said china supports the work of un special envoy ibrahim gambari and wants a timetable set for his next visit to burma 姜瑜还说,中国支持联合国特使甘巴里的工作,并希望提出他下一次访问缅甸的时间表。 |
| 3. | The us is unlikely to act further until the un ' s undersecretary general ibrahim gambari travels to burma again , possibly in november 美国不大可能会采取进一步行动直至联合国副秘书长再次访问缅甸,可能会在十一月。 |
| 4. | Diplomats in burma said they were invited to meet with gambari on wednesday , but gave little information regarding the agenda for the gathering 在缅甸的外交官说,他们受邀星期三与甘巴里会面,但未提供多少有关这次会谈议程的信息。 |
| 5. | Gambari spoke briefly with reporters as he left his hotel in singapore before heading to the airport to catch his flight to burma ' s main city of rangoon 巴里简短的和记者交谈后离开他在新加坡的酒店,然后前往机场赶呈他到缅甸的主要城市仰光的航班。 |
| 6. | Gambari briefed he yafei on his visits to asian countries and his plan for the follow - up work , including the arrangement of another visit to myanmar 甘巴里先生向何亚非部长助理通报了他最近访问亚洲有关国家的情况以及下一步工作考虑,包括再次访问缅甸的安排。 |
| 7. | Mr . gambari , the special advisor of the un secretary - general , will visit myanmar again on november 3 . china supports his mediation efforts and hopes his visit can yield positive results 联合国秘书长缅甸问题特别顾问甘巴里先生将于11月3日再次对缅甸进行访问。中方支持他的斡旋努力,希望他此访取得积极成果。 |